Signs You Might Be Part of The Resistance

Counter culture has never been supported by the mainstream narrative.

7 min readFeb 8, 2021
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Today we have entire groups of people who labelled themselves as “The Resistance” after the 2016 election when Donald Trump won the presidency. For four years, they decried being the oppressed minority who were constantly having their rights stripped away by the fascist regime of the sitting U.S. President. They were backed by the media, by political elites, and even endorsed by major corporations.

It brings one to question whether this movement was even a legitimate form of counterculture. For all the talk about resistance to the status quo and being grassroots, it sure seemed nothing like the counterculture resistance of the 1960s and 70s.

The “hippies” lived in a society that valued mostly conservative ideals. Drugs were something to be outlawed, sex was something you did with your spouse privately and didn’t discuss, and the government was something you did not challenge directly. Hippies defied these cultural norms, for better or worse, and were labelled as counter culturists. Does this evoke a sense of similarity to the modern left? Do they actually challenge the modern values of our society on a fundamental level or do they just embrace them more fully?

The truth is, you cannot be in the resistance when your ideas are the only socially acceptable ones in most places of higher education and urban centers. You cannot truly consider yourself the counter culturist when the culture you live in actively seeks to find dissenters from your ideology and crush them via cancel-culture. You are not really resisting anything when you can turn on any TV channel, or open any web page, and find your ideas being spoon fed to you with no regard for opposing opinion or even worse, a misrepresentation of it.

You’re not the resistance when your opposition has to actively disguise their identities when sharing opinions, suppress their positions to maintain certain relationships, and keep their mouths shut so not to destroy their employment opportunities. The resistance has never felt enabled, much less entitled, to share their opinions openly without scrutiny as the modern left does.

So then who is the real resistance?

The resistance are the ones who feel that something isn’t right with the way our culture is moving but are oftentimes too scared to say something about it due to the backlash they might receive.

Do you feel a twinge of disgust when you read the latest anti-white or anti-male or anti-American rant on Medium that has received thousands of claps and lined the pockets of the author posing as a “journalist”?

Do you feel even just the slightest bit of hesitation at the idea of tracking down and branding those who supported Trump as a means to mark them as less than human and destroy their lives?

Do you snicker when you turn the TV on and all you can see are messages of unity from the same people that refuse to unify under any pretense other than their own, unironically directing these calls for unity at only a small group of people who the media demonizes for all of America’s problems?

Did the lack of leadership in Washington following the events on Wall Street in the past few weeks make you feel even just a bit upset, but not surprised? If so, you might be part of the real resistance.

The real resistance opposes the current direction of culture. The modern “resistance” that the left identifies with only opposes strawman arguments that almost nobody supports in reality.

Abstract things like “resisting fascism”, which almost nobody in America believes in, is what marks the left’s version of resistance. Then there is the resistance to our immigration system. While the left is told to believe that the right-wing enjoys putting immigrant children in cages and separating families, the truth is that the right wants reform of the immigration system so that we don’t have to detain illegal immigrants and that the vast majority of the right believes it is morally unacceptable to put children in cages. So who are they resisting?

How about rape culture? They believe it is some form of grassroots activism to openly say that women shouldn’t be raped. Last time I checked, there’s no argument for the contrary from any sane or rational person, so what are they resisting?

The truth is that they don’t even know what they are resisting. It was a top down move to once again draw on the sense of oppression and victimhood that unites the Democratic voter base. “If we can just make them feel like they are actively fighting against enemies that don’t exist, we can unify the party!”, they said. In reality, the democratic voter base isn’t nearly as oppressed as they are led to believe, and therefore their resistance is nothing more than a fantasy-fueled dream for politicians to capitalize on.

Keep in mind that resistance is not the same as disagreement. Just because you disagree with someone, you’re not part of a resistance. For there to be a resistance, the idea you are opposed to must be realistically accepted by the majority of society, or at least those who shape society (academics, media, celebrities, etc.).

Currently, we are a society marked by fanaticism and hyper-activism. Everyone who has a moderate following of 50 people or more on any social media believes it is not only their right, but their duty to take to that social media and educate their bigoted, sexist, racist, conservative (remember, those are all the same thing) followers on how to appropriately act. We must be shown neat graphics that depict a world where certain races are to blame for every problem the country faces and told if we would just stop being “part of the problem”, maybe we could move forward as a country.

Those pesky white, cisgender, heterosexual males are holding us all back! Societies don’t fare too well when they place all the blame for societal issues on the backs of one group of people (i.e. 1930’s Germany).

Our culture values wealth and money over everything else. Plenty of people claim to be against Wall Street, but are they against it because they hate the idea of greed and the thought of that much money and corruption disgusts them, or are they jealous that it’s not them in that ivory tower?

Our popular media is inundated with references to running up checks, securing bags of money, and living hedonistically. It’s in every song, every movie, and is our modern marker of success. If you want to know whether or not you’re doing well in America, just open your wallet and take a look inside! Do you pause for a second when you hear this and think that maybe making millions of dollars isn’t the purpose to life?

Our culture values a certain set of ideas that favor one political ideology and if you oppose those ideas, you are to be at best censored, and at worst punished. It is newsworthy for a Hollywood star to “come out” as Conservative. Yet they aren’t brave individuals that stood up for something despite what others would say such as when people “come out” in other ways. They are bigots and confused, deranged, on drugs, or suffering from a mental breakdown (Remember Kanye West?) according to the mainstream media.

If you post the wrong idea on your social media, the overseers are quick to tag your post to appropriately mark it as dangerous for those who wouldn’t dare threaten the fabric of free society with something as damaging as the freedom to say what you want.

The only requirements for being in the resistance aren’t those listed above either. If you still believe in the founding principles of our country, I would say you’ve found a nice spot in the resistance given how our mainstream culture actively seeks to dismantle and destroy those principles every day.

If you fit any of these descriptions and actively find yourself displeased with the current state of acceptable speech and dialogue that our society has embraced, welcome to the real resistance, friends.

If you want content that actively challenges the mainstream narratives and gives concise arguments against them, all while attempting to pull on what draws us TOGETHER as Americans and people rather than push us apart based on the characteristics that differentiate us, I would appreciate any followers that I receive. Imagine being able to open up Medium and read a political piece that doesn’t demonize any group of people and doesn’t bash the country you live in constantly. Wouldn’t that be nice? If you have a question or something you’d like me to write about, feel free to ask!




Political and Culture writer. College Student.